Personal Training

We offer a variety of trainers for our members to choose from.

Trainers are individual contractors that work with Global Fitness to help you stay fit.  Whether you are looking for a program, wanting to improve your cardio, strength, have a special event coming up – we can help you stay on track.

You will find our trainers teaching some of our fitness classes on our schedule.  A great way to get to know them and for them to get to know you.

New to training? Get started with our 2 sessions intro pack for only $129.00 + tax!

Meet the Team

Current Programs

Register now!

Strength & Conditioning for Fat Loss: January – FULL!

Join Gord & Ramtin for this unique 4 week program
  • Learn and practice lifts to build strength
  • Includes exercise complexes to support fat-loss
  • Basic nutrition & behavioural coaching to help you succeed with your journey
  • Expertise of 2 trainers
Dates: January 7 – 30th
Days: Tuesday & Thursday
Time: 5:15 pm – 6:15 pm
Cost: $199+ tax
Location: The Cage
Strength & Conditioning for Fat Loss: February 

Join Ramtin for this unique 4 week program
  • Learn and practice lifts to build strength
  • Includes exercise complexes to support fat-loss
  • Basic nutrition & behavioural coaching to help you succeed with your journey
  • Open to members and non members
Dates: February 4 – 27th
Day: Tuesday & Thursday
Time: 5:15 pm – 6:15 pm
Cost: $199+ tax
Location: The Cage
Click HERE to register!

One on One
Coaching designed to help you achieve your individual fitness goals, our  program involves regular sessions with a personal trainer. Your trainer will work with you to develop a personalized exercise and nutrition program. One on one training includes fitness assessment and goal setting to create a program based on your individual needs.

One on One Pricing: $70 – $90/per session


Semi private Find a friend and sign up – motivate each other.

Based on individual fitness goals.

Partner Training Pricing: $43 – $55 per person/session

Fitness Assessments

You don’t know where you’re going until you know where you have been. At Global fitness & Racquet Centre our personal trainers can offer you an hour-long fitness assessment which will show you where your fitness is currently sitting. This includes:

  • Body Fat Test
  • Girth Measurements
  • Cardiovascular Rating
  • Muscular Endurance
  • Postural Assessment
  • Core Strength Test
  • Blood Pressure Test
  • Muscular Imbalance Observation
Nutrition and Health Coaching Precision Nutrition helps clients transform their lives.

Our in-house coaches have helped men and women get into the best shape of their lives.

We approach coaching by listening to our clients’ needs and what they want to accomplish, learning how they live, discovering what’s really important to them, and working together to create the right nutrition and exercise approach based on their goals and lifestyle.

Then we coach them through the process, helping with the inevitable roadblocks along the way to success.

Group Personal Training



This is for group of 3 or more.   We offer a few of these classes weekly and anyone is welcome to join in and meet new people.  If you have a group of 3 or more on your own we can customize time and a trainer to meet your groups needs.

Small Group Personal Training Pricing: $30 – $38 per person/session


Call 250-860-6900 or email us