5 Tips to Beat the February Blues and Boost Your Mood
Hey there! Here are some tips that can help you beat the winter blues and feel your best: Soak up some sunshine: February can be pretty gloomy, so try to get some natural light by heading outdoors, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Vitamin D is essential for strong bones and teeth and supports the immune system. Sunlight is a significant source of vitamin D, but you can also get it from fatty fish, egg yolks, fortified dairy...
Embrace Aging Month
Functional Aging fitness training focuses on improving balance, coordination, functional strength, and endurance for the everyday activities outside the gym. At Global Fitness, we are big believers and advocates of fitness for older adults, including functional fitness, whether you want to: – Achieve athletic excellence or just maintain a healthy weight, – Travel the world with confidence or just play with your grandkids,...
3 Secrets of Stress
3 Secrets of Stress with Dr. James & Dr. Vincenzo of Lifeworks Family Chiropractic Stress is commonly known as the Silent Killer because it quietly erodes our health, wellbeing, happiness and performance. This ‘Silent Killer’ 20 minute workshop will empower you with the knowledge and action steps to reduce the devastating effects of stress in your life so that you can truly be your best self. Date: Thursday...
The Hidden Benefits to Lifting Weights As You Age
The Hidden Benefits to Lifting Weights As You Age Like momma always said, it’s the inside that counts! Whether you call it strength training, resistance training or weight lifting, the benefits of lifting weights are numerous. Lifting weights isn’t just physical- it has a lot of psychological benefits too. 1. Increases Muscle Mass and Strength- Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle mass, strength and function related to aging. Physically...
Simple Self-Love: The Top 10 Ways to Be Kind to Yourself Starting Today
“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.”
Henry James
What’s Stopping You From Living Better, Longer?
For people over 50 who know they should exercise but don’t, it’s always one thing after another. They say they don’t have the time. Or the money. Or they’re too old…or need to get into better shape first but never do. But none of that will keep you independent as you age. It won’t keep you strong enough to enjoy life on your own terms. It won’t keep you out of nursing homes. And it won’t keep your weight down, regulate your blood...